

Order : Blattodea


Cockroaches represent a primitive and highly successful group of insects whose origins date back at least 300 million years and in all that time, despite Man's best efforts; we have never been unable to completely eradicate them. Abundantly found throughout our garden areas, there are over 4000 known species of Cockroaches, most of which are highly beneficial to the environment as important recyclers of decaying organic material and approximately 1% of these insects are considered household pests.

As cockroaches move from our gardens into our kitchens, they pass through faeces and urine filled sewer pipes, bringing with them the germs that cause diseases such as dysentery, typhoid fever, salmonella and cholera.

Cockroaches are mainly nocturnal so it is unlikely you will be lucky enough to spot them during the day unless there is a particularly large and significant infestation in your home and overcrowding is occurring.

Cockroaches hide in cracks and crevices during the day, leaving the occupants of an infested premises unaware of the enormity of the infestation. These insidious nocturnal creatures are in constant search for food, usually at night, regularly scurrying across food preparation areas spreading disease to almost everything they touch. Cockroaches are omnivores who eat anything no matter how rancid and then regurgitate it back up onto clean bench tops, cutlery and cooking utensils leaving behind a trail of vomit and faecal matter that attracts others who contribute to the spread of the infestation.

We employ an integrated pest management approach to Cockroach control examining all of the environmental factors that may have contributed to the infestation in the first place. Cockroaches are rapid breeders who thrive in warmer moist environments and are naturally drawn to the enclosed temperature controlled spaces found in our homes.

If you have spotted Cockroaches inside your home call us straight away before a few individuals become a few thousand.

We service the residential, commercial and industrial sectors of Melbourne tailoring strategies that meet your individual needs to help gain effective control.

Treatment details, warranty and cost

Our Cockroach treatments include a complete internal spray of all affected areas, and depending on the species of ant we may apply non-aerosol bait gels where required. If you opt for an external treatment, we will thoroughly spray the exterior of the building surface, covering window & doorframes, garage, pathways, all outdoor fixtures and fittings and garden areas. Where is access is available we will also dust the subfloor areas.

TYPE OF STRUCTURE COST Internal Treatment Only COST Internal & External Treatment Spray
Average 1-2 bedroom unit/apartment from $240 + gst from $280 + gst
Average 3 bedroom house/townhouse from $280 + gst from $320 + gst
Large 4 + bedroom house from $380 + gst from $460 + gst

*PLEASE NOTE: The price list table above is based on 'SIGHT UNSEEN' and reflects the cost to treat an Average Home, however there may be factors that are unknown to us, that might affect just how much it will cost to remove Flea's from your home. Treatment cost largely depends on the size and the extent of the affected areas as well as the intensity of infestation. The ease of accessibility for inspection and treatment purposes may also be a factor in cost determination. Guarantee periods may be positively or negatively affected depending on the surrounding environmental circumstances, the level of housekeeping procedures and the assessed risk of possible re-infestation.


Depending on environmental factors, our service carries a 3-6-month warranty from date of service. However we reserve the right not to provided a warranty particularly if the issue is within a multi-residental setting.The ease of accessibility for inspection and treatment purposes may also be a factor in cost determination. Guarantee periods may be positively or negatively affected depending on the surrounding environmental circumstances, the level of housekeeping procedures and the assessed risk of possible re-infestation.


If the weather is inclement (rain forecast) on the day of treatment, we will reschedule the external spray for a more suitable day.

Cockroaches have survived on the Earth for millions of years. They breed in large numbers and can become a major problem without the application of effectivecorrective control measures.

A successful Cockroach treatment is dependent upon the close co-operation between the client and the pest controller. The treatment cost will largely depend on the extent of infestation, the cockroach species, the size of your property, and the ease of access that is available around the property.

Several different cockroach species may be present in a variety of different locations around your premises at the same time.
This makes identification of each individual species and a detailed knowledge of their habits essential to the success of any treatment program.

We have an in-depth knowledge all species of problem cockroaches including the Australian, German, American, Smokey Brown and Oriental cockroach and our treatments target where they hide and breed. We combine a protective exterior barrier to limit them entering your property along with strategic interior treatment zones that target them at the source and best of all our treatments are 100% safe for your family and pets.

  • We conduct a detailed inspection of your property to determine the intensity and the spread of the cockroach infestation after which time we can propose a suitable treatment program. It is essential that all potential sources and all areas of possible reinfestation are not overlooked during the inspection or treatment phase of our work, and this is where the individual experience of the pest controller is vital. A careful and targeted application of insecticides to every possible hiding place is essential; this is why we have technicians that solely specialize in the thorough detection of all harbourage areas and the eradication and control of cockroaches. We believe that success is best achieved through practiced experience and our technicians deal with cockroaches on a day to day basis.
  • We can propose a range of chemical treatment and environmental control options, all dependent upon the scope of your individual level of chemical tolerance and personal expectation. Also, based upon what the severity of the infestation will allow, this may include one of or a combination of the following:
  • Surface spraying
  • Space spraying
  • Dusting
  • Gel Baits
  • Environmental modification
  • Always safety first - in keeping with all our pest treatments we always promote the judicial use professional strength industry approved insecticidal dusts and aerosol spray applications hitting the Cockroach's daytime hiding locations.
  • Due to their remarkably quick breeding habits, it's important to identify a Cockroach problem before it gets out of control.
  • We offer reliable, cost effective service that complies with all legislative requirements.
  • We guarantee to be in touch with you within 24 hours (Monday to Friday) to arrange an appointment.
  • Dealing specifically with Cockroach's on a day to day basis gives us a unique insight into the intricate characteristics of this destructive little pest.
  • All our treatments are 100% completely safe for use around children and pets and are the most environmentally friendly methods around.

Pest Signs... What to look for...

"These nocturnal creatures are cautious, and hide in concealed locations, so you may not even be aware you have a problem until it's too late".
Cockroaches are typically nocturnal, so if you've discovered one that is just the tip of the iceberg. There will be hundreds more in hiding that you haven't seen yet, multiplying in secret, concealed behind your walls. It is often easier to spot the signs of an infestation rather than an actual live cockroach itself. The few cockroaches you see by day means they were likely forced out by overcrowding; a definite sign of a substantial infestation.

Cockroaches can flatten their bodies to fit into narrow spaces allowing them to hide in places like beneath rubber mats, behind wallpaper and within wall cracks and gaps in kitchen and food preparation areas. The typical signs of infestation are usually cockroach droppings, or noticing dead cockroaches in the house.

Look for:

  • Faecal matter, (cockroach droppings resemble coffee grounds or black pepper and larger droppings of around 2mm can have ridges along their sides)
  • Faecal  spots can be seen on the cornices of ceilings, around light fittings and even behind picture frames and clocks.
  • Egg cases may go unnoticed at first as they are attached to the underside of protected surfaces, but will later become dislodged, falling onto the ground after the nymphs hatch.
  • A lingering foul musty odour especially in the damp and dark areas
  • Shed skins, (cockroaches shed their skins up to 8 times before they mature into adults.
  • Cockroach carcasses and body parts (usually legs)

They are often found in dark, warm places with good humidity which include:

  • Under Kitchen and bathroom sinks, cabinets and draws,
  • Cracks and Crevices
  • Toilets, showers and hot water systems
  • Subflooring and roof voids
  • Wall Cavities
  • Under the refrigerator, dishwasher, stove, microwave oven and other cooking appliances.

If you detect any sign of these insects act immediately, Cockroaches breed incredibly fast. Call us before a few, become a few thousand.

Cockroach Identification Damage

German Cockroach


German Cockroach

German cockroaches are noted for their world-wide distribution and are considered to be on the small size, only growing to approximately 12 – 15mm in length. Their small dimensions allow them to hide more efficiently, and once safely inside your home, have few natural predators.
They are beige to light brown in colour and are easily identifiable by the two dark stripes that run lengthways down their back immediately behind the head.

The German cockroach's egg case is brown in colour and is less than 9 mm in length. The female carries the case for about 1 month until the eggs are ready to hatch.

A single case can contain up to 50 eggs and adulthood is achieved, on average, in about 70 days. This large volume of eggs that can develop so quickly ensures that the German cockroach's population grows very rapidly.

German cockroaches are most commonly found indoors and are attracted to warmth and humidity and tend to favour bathrooms, laundry rooms and kitchen areas. They are good climbers, scaling smooth surfaces aided by the sticky pads located on their feet.

The German cockroach breeds like no other and adults typically live for about 180 days. German cockroaches love eating out at restaurants but also enjoy food processing plants, supermarkets, pubs and warehouses. They will live in restaurant refrigerators and in commercial ovens and use plumbing pipes and drains as their highways.

German cockroach droppings resemble small pepper-corns and may be left on countertops, in drawers, in the corners of rooms or along the tops of doors. The adult cockroaches have wings but rarely fly, much preferring to run.

German cockroaches will emit musty odorous when their populations are large in numbers and they are feared for their ability to transmit a number of pathogens, such as Salmonella, E.coli and Typhus. Studies have also confirmed that the development of asthma in children can be directly related to the presence of these pests.

American Cockroach


American Cockroach

The American is the largest of the cockroach pest species measuring 35 to 50mm in length. They are a shiny reddish brown in colour with a yellowish band behind their heads.

American cockroaches usually live outdoors but they prefer warm, dark, moist locations and are usually found in areas such as subfloors, sewers around hot water pipes, fridge motors and other heating appliances and will feed on a wide variety of plant and animal material.

The American cockroach's ootheca (egg case) is dark brown in colour and averages about 8 mm in length. A female can create up to 90 oothecae in her lifetime which she will carry for a short time before carefully depositing it in a safe hidden location. Each ootheca will contain approximately 15 eggs and remains glued in place until the nymphs are ready to emerge from the case in approximately 25 to 60 days.
Females may live for as long 18 months and when birthed, her eggs can hatch very quickly in about 6 to 8 weeks. This is how a small group of American cockroaches can reach plague proportions very rapidly.

American cockroaches run very fast, and may even fly in the warmer months. Outdoors they eat leaves, fungi, algae and also small insects, indoors they forage under appliances, in cupboards eating crumbs, food scraps and pet food that is left out overnight.

Their faecal pellets are small and sometimes mistaken for mouse droppings, however American cockroach droppings have ridges on the sides and they are blunt on both ends.

These Cockroaches produce a smelly chemical called an "aggregation pheromone" which encourages the cockroaches to stay together in groups. This odour becomes more noticeable as the population increases. According to the WHO, (World Health Organization), these cockroaches are proven carriers of the organisms which cause diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera, leprosy, plague, typhoid fever and viral diseases such as poliomyelitis.

Oriental Cockroach

(Blatta orientalis)

Oriental Cockroach

Oriental cockroaches are about 25mm in length; they are dark brown to shiny black in colour. Primarily an outdoors species they thrive in cool, damp areas and are most often found in leaf litter, mulched garden beds, dark basements and subfloors, in water pipes and under your decking. Oriental cockroaches are not as agile as German cockroaches or as fast as the American but they are accomplished climbers who can scale rough surfaces.

Oriental cockroaches are noted for their preference to feed on starchy foods, garbage, filth or any other material that has begun to decay. Theses filthy little pests are very dependent upon moisture. They can survive for up to a month without food but no more than two weeks without water.

Females can live for up to 2 years and in that time deposit up to 18 ootheca each containing approximately 16 eggs.
The ootheca is a dark reddish-brown about 8 to 10 mm in length and is dropped by the female into protected areas, almost 30 hours after it is produced.

The incubation period is short at anywhere between 30 – 60 days guaranteeing that an infestation will rapidly expand in ideal conditions, particularly during the summer months, however, when the weather becomes colder, during the winter months, it can take as many as 800 days for the cockroaches to go from egg to adult.

The adult male can be identified by the presence of its distinctive three-quarter-length wings, which leave the last few of its abdominal segments exposed. The female, on the other hand, is larger bodied than the male and lacks wings altogether, having only wing pads present. Neither the male nor female is capable of flight.

Oriental cockroaches are a source for many food-borne pathogens such as E.coli, Salmonellaand have been found to trigger asthma and other dangerous allergies. Given their preference to eat garbage and decaying organic matter, oriental cockroaches carry these pathogens and many other harmful bacteria on their legs and bodies from contaminated areas and then transmit them onto our clean surfaces.

Smoky Brown Cockroach

(Periplaneta fuliginosa)

Smoky Brown Cockroach

These cockroaches are between 30 - 38 mm long and are primarily an outdoor pest. The Smokey Brown gets its name from its brownish-black colorations and is also identified by its wings witch are longer than its body allowing this species to be very strong fliers.

Smokey Browns live in tree hollows, under bark and leaf litter, under floors, and are nocturnal (hides during the day in cracks and crevices or any other dark warm places). They have a habit of entering houses at night and contaminating food with their excrement, regurgitated digestive fluid and the potentially harmful bacteria they carry on their bodies.

They are opportunistic feeders that eat dead insects, faecal matter, food scraps and plant materials. Feeding usually commences in the late evening and early dawn hours when these filthy pests leave their hiding places and scavenge for food. Smokey Browns are thought to be attracted to light and they gain entry into our homes through small openings in windows, under doors and any other gap that leads into the home.

All cockroaches are prone to dehydration; hence the availability of moisture is critical to their survival.

The Smokey Brown cockroach is an expert at concealing itself which enables its populations to grow unnoticed but they can be found in and around eaves and gutters, in roof voids or any other hidden areas where moisture problems may exist.

Dependent upon the temperature, the egg to adult development time for a Smoky Brown cockroach can vary greatly, with a range of 160 days to 716 days. Adult Smokey Browns live for an average of 216 days and a female will produce approximately 30 egg cases within that period. Their ootheca are dark brown to black in color and are roughly 11 – 14mm long each containing 20 eggs per case. The egg cases are glued to a concealed protected surface within 24 hours of production, where they will remain until the young hatch.

Australian Cockroach

(Periplanta australasiae)

Australian Cockroach

The Australian cockroach is fairly large reddish brown with yellow markings on its head (pronotum) and along the edges of its wings. It is similar in looks to the American cockroach but is smaller and contrary to its name it is not native to Australia (being introduced from Asia). It enjoys warm to sub-tropical conditions and is usually found in garden areas where it consumes plant materials.

Australian cockroaches are opportunistic feeders and will enter homes at night or anywhere else that provides consistent heat, humidity and an adequate supply of food. Indoors they tend to congregate in subfloors, roof and wall voids, in factories under pet food bowls and in organic waste storage areas.

Adults can live anywhere up to 180 days and the females produce a mid-brown ootheca (egg case) containing 24 eggs. Females carry the case for a short period of time then drop or glue it to a protected surface a day after its production. Once hatched the nymphs take anywhere from 6 to 12 months to fully develop into adults.

As well as being found inside homes Australian cockroaches can be encountered in wood piles, in drains and grease traps, in green houses, inside your pantry or behind the refrigerator, inside kitchen

Brown Banded

(Supella longipalpa spp.)

Oriental Cockroach

Brown banded cockroaches are approximately 10 – 15mm in length and are characterised by the brown to light tan stripes that run across their abdomen and can live anywhere from 3 – 12 months.

Their egg cases are a light reddish-brown in colour and measure about 5 mm in length.

The female can produce up to 20 egg cases in her lifetime, each holding around 10 - 18 eggs. She carries her ootheca for approximately 24 hours, and then glues it to the protected underside of a surface until the young hatch. Egg to adult development usually takes between three to six months.

Brown banded cockroaches have the ability to fly but usually stay on the ground. They prefer dry warmer environments which lead them to harbour within heated buildings, roof cavities and inside and around kitchen appliances. Primarily nocturnal feeders they particularly enjoy materials witch are high in starch such as book bindings, wallpaper glue and stamps.

These roaches have been found to carry and spread harmful bacteria and protozoa which cause gastroenteritis and diarrhoea and have been found to trigger asthma and other dangerous allergies.

More Information

  • Cockroaches are primarilyomnivorous scavengers, feeding on dead animals, plant matter and the food scraps we leave out for them. They prefer sweet foods, meat and starches but are also known to consume other items.
  • Cockroaches are extremely resilient pests who breed rapidly and are resistant to many DIY products used to gain control over them.
  • Cockroaches are social insects that usually live in groups and are equipped with wings or wing buds but rarely fly, (Oriental and German cockroach's do not fly).
  • Australian, American and to a lesser degree the smoky brown cockroach are usually found in the garden areas but will venture inside during winter, in search of warmth and moisture. They are much larger than the German cockroach, up to 30–55 mm.
  • Cockroaches are mainly nocturnal and spend the daytime hiding in cracks and crevices in door frames, inside furniture, kitchen and bathroom cupboards, inside electrical appliances and in rubbish and compost bins.
  • Cockroaches can survive for months at a time without food but will not survive more than a week without water and in ideal conditions; a pair of cockroaches can produce up to a million offspring in a single year.
  • Like Ants, Cockroaches place chemical signals in their faeces and on their bodies as means of communication with other individuals.
  • Cockroach eyes contain more than a thousand lenses, allowing them to see multiple things at once.
  • Cockroach legs are exceptionally receptive to touch as is their antennae which are responsible for their sense of smell.
  • Cockroaches have two small appendages at the rear of their abdomens, known as the cerci, which act as sensors. The cerci are sensors that are highly reactive to the slightest of air movements giving cockroaches a warning signal against any impending danger that may be approaching them.
  • Female cockroaches produce eggs that are encapsulated in hard cases known as Ootheca. These egg cases are sometimes glued to a surface, dropped by the cockroach or carried around by the insect it until the eggs are ready to hatch.
  • Females lay anywhere between 10 and 40 eggs at a time and the average lifespan of a cockroach (in suitable conditions) is usually about 12 months.
  • Due to their small size Cockroaches can enter your home in many different ways; through cracks and crevices, vents, sewerage and drain pipes even hitchhiking in on products like grocery bags, in boxes, and on our person!
  • Cockroaches lay their eggs in food and other packaging spreading their colonies throughout the community.
  • Each cockroach may carry several million disease type or pathogenic bacteria on and inside its body.

First aid information:

Important: The following information is provided as a guide only and should not in any way be relied upon or used as a substitute for professional medical advice. If you are in any doubt in regards to a physical reaction you are experiencing as the result of a pest related encounter please consult a doctor or medical professional immediately.
If you experience any of the following symptoms after coming into contact with this pest:

  • difficulty breathing
  • wheezing
  • vomiting
  • nausea or diarrhoea
  • feeling faint or dizzy
  • swollen face or mouth
  • problems swallowing
  • asthmatic or any other type of allergic reaction

Then seek medical attention immediately.
Cockroaches are a major contributor to the spread of diseases such as:

  • Salmonella and dysentery – commonly referred to as food poisoning;
  • gastroenteritis
  • Staphylococcus – commonly referred to as golden staph, which is an infection known to cause death; &
  • Streptococcus – an infection that causes sore throats, skin conditions, fevers and even toxic shock syndrome in extreme cases.
  • Cockroaches discard their skins several times as they grow from young to adult and these skins are a known cause of severe asthmatic reactions especially in children and other sensitive individuals.

Prevention tips

  • We can advise you on ways to help prevent and minimise the likelihood of cockroaches re-establishing in and around your home, for instance:

"A successful cockroach treatment is dependent upon the close co-operation between the property owner and the pest controller. Prior to and after your cockroach treatment, we highly recommend you consider these helpful tips."

  • A vigilant cleaning policy, particularly around the food preparation and food storage areas, is a great investment towards future prevention.
  • Don't make your home attractive to cockroaches, where possible, deny them food, water (especially water), and access points into the kitchen and bathroom areas. Dripping taps and other water leaks should be repaired.
  • Keep all food products in tightly sealed containers.
  • Do not leave any food scraps or other organic refuse exposed in the kitchen or waste storage area - particularly overnight.
  • Completely clean all bench tops and food preparation areas, particularly between counters and appliances.
  • Ensure your property has adequate drainage and ventilation.
  • Regularly check and fix any plumbing problems, broken roof tiles, etc that may lead to moisture ingress.
  • Wipe the kitchen and bathroom sinks free of any moisture overnight.
  • Where possible seal all cracks and crevices in the bathroom and kitchen cupboards and pantry areas.
  • Store all cardboard boxes and other similar items off the ground and away from moisture.
  • Ensure your garbage and compost bins are kept secure and locked.
  • Do not leave any uneaten pet food, water and litter trays outside overnight.
  • De-clutter your home where possible by removing unused cardboard boxes stacks of old newspapers and magazines and all other forms of clutter from the floor or bottom of cupboards.
  • Cockroaches eat virtually anything; human or animal, food or beverage, live or dead. They will eat dog biscuits, dried beer on carpets, grease droplets and tiny crumbs, anything that will provide nutrients, hence the importance of scrupulous housekeeping

Commercial Information

Cockroaches spread disease by transporting harmful bacteria and other dangerous organisms from sewerage pipes and other unsanitary sources and then deposit them onto food handling surfaces, equipment and utensils. They contaminate food with their faecal matter and the vomit secretions from their mouths and can seriously harm the patrons and ultimately the reputation of a business. They will eat dog biscuits, dried beer on carpets, grease droplets and tiny crumbs, anything that will provide nutrients……hence illustrating the importance of scrupulous housekeeping.

"The German cockroach is the Bane of the Melbourne hospitality scene. They are obnoxious pests and we have found that even the cleanest of homes, cafes, restaurants and accommodation facilities can become overrun by these creatures in a short space of time."

The sudden shock appearance of Cockroaches out in the open public areas of an establishment can be quite upsetting to Customers and staff to say the least, causing a huge potential loss of goodwill to any business.
In the commercial arena, professional advice and prompt action is needed on a regular basis to maintain safety standards that conform to the current quality health regulations.
When taking into consideration the current scope and power of social media, even the smallest outbreak of Cockroach's can fast become a public relations nightmare for any business, big or small, and due to their remarkably quick breeding cycles, it's important to identify and mitigate a Cockroach problem before it gets out of control. Call us before a few individuals become a few thousand.

We acknowledge that cockroach and general pest management for commercial and industrial clients is a high priority, but also a delicate one, which is why we assure complete discretion and offer flexible work hours to meet your needs and minimise disruption to your business and your clients.
In commercial environments, such as a cafés, schools, aged-care facilities and restaurants, extra vigilance is required to meet the strict health requirements must be achieved so trust us to help you maintain you're hard earned and well-deserved reputation.

Prevention Tips for businesses

  • Promote regular stock rotation and diligent inspection of all incoming food stocks.
  • Make sure food products are stored above the ground and clear of walls.
  • Cockroaches regularly create big problems for Government and Commercial organizations. They are by far the biggest disease carriers and are rapid breeders.
  • Due to their remarkably quick breeding habits, it's important to identify a cockroach problem before it gets out of control.
  • Pest management for commercial and industrial clients is an ongoing process. We assure complete discretion and work flexible hours to meet your needs and the needs of your clients.
  • In commercial buildings, bulk foods should be stored in cockroach-proof areas. Packaged food should be stacked on pallets with adequate space left around and under the pallets to facilitate regular inspections. Pallets should never be positioned hard up against walls or left unattended for long periods of time.
  • Dumpsters should be fitted with tight fitting lids and drain holes should be fitted with mesh screens, or else sealed after each scheduled cleaning.
  • If you operate a commercial food business, a cockroach infestation can cause major food contamination issues that can impact on your reputation and livelihood.
  • There are a range commercial treatment options available to help manage cockroach infestations and a combination of options is usually the most effective. Don't let the problem escalate out of control call a professional licensed pest control company
  • Trust us to help you maintain your hard earned and well-deserved reputation
  • In a commercial environment, such as a café, school, aged-care facility or restaurant extra vigilance is required and strict health requirements must be met.

We have an unbeaten, proven track record in commercial Cockroach control. We provide our customers with the peace of mind that comes with dependable year-round guaranteed protection backed by up by a no-questions asked, results based service. If you require an immediate response to a current pest problem or perhaps you're simply reassessing an existing strategy. Call us, we're here to help you.

 'A One size fits all' approach does not apply in pest control…

Based on a comprehensive assessment of your premises and factoring in its unique environmental conditions, we can develop a customised protection plan that suits your individual requirements. Prevention of any pest problem is the ideal and achievable goal. Our technicians can implement immediate, targeted control programs, in key harbourage areas, and advise you on proactive physical exclusion techniques. We also provide guidance and monitoring strategies that focus on non-chemical environmental control methods that enable us to achieve these goals.

The identification of pest 'hot spots' through regular detailed monitoring is an integral part of any proactive eradication strategy.

Simply call 03 8840 9572 to speak with us directly or fill in the Contact Us form and we'll respond to your enquiry in a timely fashion.

The treatment plan begins with a thorough inspection of the property establishing the particular species of Cockroach causing the problem and the location of their breeding and harbourage areas. Our highly trained pest management technicians can then prepare a Cockroach treatment plan that will eradicate the current infestation as well as providing recommendations and practical measures for the long term control of this annoying pest insect.

Stringent health and safety regulations apply to the control and management of pest's in business and commercial situations. Maintaining that control relies on regular monitoring, targeted strategies and effective communication between all stakeholders across the entire pest control process.

Nothing impacts on your reputation quite like an un-controlled pest infestation. No matter what industry you're in we have a pest control solution for you. The exposure of your customers and staff to unhealthy and potentially dangerous pest situations can seriously compromise your business – and ultimately impact your bottom line. You're hard earned and well-deserved reputation is everything and complacency can result in an outbreak that will tarnish the reputation of even the most trusted establishment.

Pests problems result in the following problems:

  • Production interruptions and costly delays
  • The spread of illness and disease
  • Contamination and loss of stock
  • Breach of health regulations
  • Destruction of materials and inventory
  • Damage to amenities
  • Decreased employee productivity and increased absenteeism
  • Negative customer experience

The treatment of Cockroach's is an integrated effort that involves habitat and source eradication coupled with the use of chemical control products as needed. This may include the application of insecticides to the vegetation sites that adult Cockroach's use for harbourage and breeding purposes or introducing insect growth regulators to help prevent development.

Cockroach population control is dependent upon the availability of breeding habitats and the particular targets pecies, as well as many other factors. Should you experience Cockroach's in your working environment, contact us to discuss the options.

Supermarket insect repellents can be effective at temporarily keeping a small amount of Cockroach's at bay however studies have found that Cockroaches can ignore repellents over time as a result of repeated exposure. Supermarket repellents also begin to lose their effectiveness soon after being applied, which requires them to be constantly reapplied in order to maintain even the slightest level of protection. The only practical and effective way to control Cockroach populations, is with the targeted application of quality commercial pesticides used in conjunction with an effective environmental control program. And this is what we provide!

  • We hold public liability insurance of $20 million and professional indemnity insurance of $500,000 for your piece of mind. An insurance certificate is available on request.
  • Possum catchers are fully compliant with all the necessary statutory and mandatory requirements relating to the Wildlife Act 1975 and all our staff are fully trained in all aspects of the Occupational health and safety act's systems and controls.
  • We are licenced Type 1 Commercial Wildlife Controllers and have nationally recognised qualifications in Cert III Asset Maintenance as well as full accreditation in all pest management systems Cert IV General pest & Termite Management.
  • We also hold the following Industry Accreditations: EWP Operator licence – (Yellow Card - scissor and boom lift), Victorian Construction Induction - White Card, Working at Heights licenced, current accreditation Working with Children.