

Spiders belong to the family Arachnida


Spiders play a vital role in our ecosystem as they control insect population numbers, including those of flies and mosquitoes, however, Australia is home to some of the most venomous and deadly spiders in the world. Many different species of these spiders can be found in and around Melbourne's homes and businesses. Thankfully, with the advent of antivenoms, reported deaths from spider bites is now very low. Nevertheless, danger still exists and all due care must be taken especially with curious children and pets who are highly vulnerable and are the most likely to be bitten.

The most commonly encountered spiders include the;

  • Funnel Web Spider
  • Red-back Spider
  • Mouse Spider
  • Wolf Spiders
  • Black House Spider
  • White-tailed Spider

Spiders are attracted to the warm dark places around our homes and tend hide themselves in wall cracks and crevices, ceiling spaces, air vents and under eaves. Some spiders use their webs to catch food while others prefer to hunt and ambush their prey, which consists mainly of insects, other invertebrates and sometimes-other spiders. Some spider species prefer to stay outdoors setting up messy nuisance webs in the garden or close to outside lighting that ultimately helps to attract their prey, but when the seasons become colder and food becomes scarce, they venture inside. Our spider treatments provide effective control over any existing spider problem you may be currently experiencing. Our technicians have expert knowledge relating to all spider species enabling a quick and effective targeted treatment for your home or business. If you need a small household or large commercial spider infestation treated by professional pest control technicians who are trained to carry out the safest and most environmentally appropriate form of spider eradication, then call us now. Our friendly staff provide free expert advice and best of all, we guarantee all of our spider treatments giving you the peace of mind that your home is professionally protected.


Every spider infestation is different and each spider treatment must be tailored to suit the specific requirements of the situation. Our treatments start with the application of a very safe synthetic pyrethroid dust to the roof cavity then a surface spray that is licensed and formulated for internal spider control. This residual chemical is applied to walls, baseboards, skirting boards and other key harbourage areas where spiders are likely to be present.

We then treat all external perimeter walls, eaves, verandas, pot plants, and outdoor furniture that are likely to provide harbourages for spider species such as ‘Whitetail" and ‘Huntsman" spiders. Our treatment"s are 100% safe for your family and pets. Nomadic spiders such as Huntsman and Whitetails do not spin webs, they hunt their prey roaming from area to area without returning to a web and are therefore quite tricky for the untrained professional to control.

Type of Structure/Service COST Internal Treatment Only COST Internal & External Treatment Spray
Average 1-2 bedroom unit/apartment from $240 + gst from $280 + gst
Average 3 bedroom house/townhouse from $280 + gst from $320 + gst
Large 4 + bedroom house from $380 + gst from $460 + gst

*PLEASE NOTE: The price list table above is based on 'SIGHT UNSEEN' and reflects the cost to treat an Average Home, however there may be factors that are unknown to us, that might affect how much it will cost to remove Spiders from your home. Treatment cost largely depends on the size and the extent of the affected areas as well as the intensity of infestation. The ease of accessibility for inspection and treatment purposes may also be a factor in cost determination. Our warranty period may be positively or negatively affected depending on the surrounding environmental circumstances, the level of housekeeping procedures and the assessed risk of possible re-infestation. Also, please note, these prices are solely for domestic properties only.


Depending on environmental factors, our service carries a 3-6-month warranty from date of service.


In order to carry out a treatment efficiently we will require you/tenant to be present on the day of treatment where at this stage you/tenant would have cleared all areas that require spraying/treatment i.e. removal all of kitchen utensils, pots & pans, crockery, food items from benches, tea towels, bathroom towels, toothbrushes, soaps etc.

All toys to be covered or removed and stored away. Also, all pet food bowls and pets to be removed from the premises for a minimum 4 hours. Once our technician has confirmed that all these items have been cleared, you/tenant will be required to leave during the treatment process. We require you/tenant to leave the property unattended for a minimum of 4 hours, this allows our spray treatments to dry and set.

After this time, you may re-enter, and we recommend opening windows and doors to allow ventilation. If areas are still damp, we recommend you turn on heating and/or fans to expedite the drying of our treatment. If the weather is inclement (rain forecast) on the day of treatment, we will reschedule the external spray for a more suitable day.

  • Due to their remarkably quick breeding habits, it"s important to identify and deal with a Spider problem before it gets out of control.
  • We offer reliable, cost effective service that complies with all legislative requirements.
  • We guarantee to be in touch with you within 24 hours (Monday to Friday) to arrange an appointment at a time.
  • A specialist Spider technician will visit and will carry out a thorough assessment of your problem and treat accordingly.
  • Dealing specifically with Spiders on a day to day basis gives us a unique insight into the intricate characteristics of this destructive little pest.
  • All our treatments are 100% completely safe for use around children and pets and are the most environmentally friendly methods around.

*Please note: It is advisable to leave all spider webs intact for a couple of weeks before removing to allow our chemical treatment to have full effect.

Pest Signs... What to look for...

"These nocturnal creatures are cautious, and hide in concealed locations, so you may not even be aware you have a problem until it's too late"

Many spiders are nocturnal and will not be visible during the day, so they are not always immediately obvious. The first sign of a spider infestation is usually marked by the presence of their webs. The size, shape and location of these webs varies distinctly according to the particular spider species, some webs are orb-shaped whilst other webs are funnel-shaped.

Spiders love dark secluded areas, both inside your home and out in your garden. Some species of spiders prefer the garden environment and can be found seeking refuge in outdoor furniture, children"s toys and garden sheds.

During the warmer months, spider-mating season begins and activity increases as the Spiders come out of their hiding places looking for a mate. Their numbers thin towards the end of autumn when many spiders die off, but some will hibernate and show up in the following Spring. Spiders lay their eggs into a silky sac, each containing on average about 100 eggs. The sacs are then glued to a surface, carried by the female or hidden within the web. The discovery of these sacs around the home is a sure sign that hundreds more spiderlings will be hatching very soon.

Spiders feed mainly on insects but will prey onother spiders when the opportunity arises, so an increase in the general insect numbers around the home will always result in the presence of increased spider populations.

This is the best time to treat and stop the infestation before it gets out of control. An experienced pest control operator can eradicate them safely and effectively; so you aren't dealing with cycle after cycle of dangerous spiders. DIY treatments by untrained individuals are rarely effective long term and can sometimes make the situation worse.



Funnel-Web Spider


Funnel Web spiders are dispersed along much of the east coast of Victoria but are most commonly reported in the Dandenong Ranges. The Funnel-Web is one of the deadliest spiders in the world and is a ground dwelling spider that is commonly found in the moist soil areas of our gardens.

During hot humid summer nights, the male funnel-web leaves its burrow in search of a mate. This is when it is most likely to enter your home and hide in clothing items that may be left on the floor, crawl into footwear and other concealed areas. Males are highly aggressive when disturbed or threatened and will pounce, inflicting multiple bites, with their large fangs.

If you or a family member is bitten, you should call for an ambulance immediately whilst applying first aid. This means applying a pressure immobilisation bandage to the entire bite site (bandaging the entire limb).


The female Funnel Web spider is about 30 mm in body length and the male spider is about 25 mm long. They are a large, bulky spider shiny black in colour, with a dark brown bronze coloured abdomen.


Adults reach sexual maturity between four to five years of age when the female produces an egg sac that contains a hundred or so eggs and stores this in her burrow until the spiderlings hatch.


Males funnel webs usually die after mating occurs while females continue to breed for several more years later. Their main diet consists of insects, although vertebrates as large as frogs and small lizards may also become targets.



Red-Back Spider


Red-back spiders are commonly found in suburban Melbourne and Victoria-wide. They will inflict an extremely painful bite which can be fatal to children and the elderly. Their poison attacks the central nervous system resulting in headache, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain and paralysis. If you or a family member is bitten, you should call for an ambulance immediately whilst applying first aid. Use an ice pack to dull the pain and apply a pressure immobilisation bandage to the entire bite site immediately (this means bandaging the entire limb).


Red-back spiders vary greatly in size, with female"s growing up to 15mm in length and having an abdomen the size of a pea and adult males reaching up to 5mm long. The female is brilliant black usually found with a distinctive red or orange stripe on her back, although this marking may sometimes be completely absent altogether on both male and female. The smaller males are also predominately shiny black but sometimes incorporate complex white and yellow markings on their bodies.


Female red-backs reach maturity within 2-3 months after being born and can then lay 3-8 egg sacs over the proceeding spring and summer breeding periods. Each egg sac can contain up to 300 individual eggs and when hatched the majority of the hungry newborn spiderlings will cannibalize each other. Under favourable conditions females can live for up to three years, whereas males may only live for about six or seven months.


Red-back spiders prefer dry habitats and are often found in cubbyhouses, letter-boxes, under bike seats, around pot plants and outdoor furniture. This spider sits at the top of a triangular cone shaped dry silk web and will attack when the web is disturbed or if feeling threatened. Red-backs are carnivores and will eat any small insects that are caught in their webs and given the opportunity, they will also eat skinks, juvenile mice, snakes and frogs.



White-Tail Spider

VENOMOUS - HIGHLY DANGEROUS The white-tail spider is commonly found throughout the suburbs of Melbourne and right across the state of Victoria. In some cases, the bite of a white-tail spider can cause a severe allergic reaction to occur followed by blistering and ulceration of the skin (thought to be caused by the bacteria on their fangs). Some victims have reported nausea and a burning pain followed by swelling and itchiness around the bite site. Immediate medical attention should be sought if bitten. Use an ice pack to dull the pain and apply a pressure immobilisation bandage to the entire bite site immediately (this means bandaging the entire limb).


The adult white-tail spider can vary in size from 12 mm in the case of males and up to 20 mm in body length for females, it has a grey to black elongated body and a white section on the tip of its tail.


White-tailed spiders lay their eggs in flat - disc shaped egg sacs, which contain approx. 80 to 90 eggs each.These sacs are then deposited into dark, sheltered harbourages where they are guarded by the females until they hatch.


White-tail spiders are hunting spiders, (non - webbing) and are active mostly at night permanently wandering around in search of food which mainly consists of small insects and other spiders including Daddy-long-legs, Red-backs and Black house spiders. The white-tail spider prefers cool moist locations and is commonly found in garden mulch and leaf litter and during the warmer months this spider often wanders into buildings, trying to escape the day time heat. These spiders also have a tendency to hide in clothing and bed linen hung outside to dry on the clothes line, this is why children are so regularly bitten soon after getting dressed or hopping into their beds.

Daddy Long Legs Spider


Daddy Long Legs Spider



Daddy Long Legs spiders are between 7 - 9mm long, have small pin head shaped bodies and very long legs. They are a species that originates fromEurope andwere introduced accidently into Australia. Apart from the annoyance their unsightly webs create, these spiders are completely non-toxic to humans and pose them no threat, however they are known to attack and eat Red-back spiders, Huntsman's andBlack house spiders.


Daddy Long Legs spiders spin fine loose webs in and around areas of human habitation which include houses, garages, cubby houses, under eaves and in sheds. They are common in all urban areas where they feed on insects and other small spiders. Their webs have no adhesive properties but the irregular structure traps insects, making escape difficult. The spider then quickly envelops its prey in a silky parcel then inflicts the fatal bite. The prey may be eaten immediately or stored for later consumption.



Mouse Spider


The mouse spider commonly occurs throughout the suburbs of Melbourne and all across the state of Victoria. These spiders are very secretive and rarely seen but will often wander about in the open during the day, especially after a rain event, in search of a mate. Although considered to be non-aggressive, male's will bite when disturbed or provoked, and this species should be considered dangerous to humans.

This spider has large hardened fangs that inflict a deep painful bite and their venom, which is very toxic, is known to cause severe illness, especially in young children. Although no human deaths have been recorded as a result of mouse spider bites they should be considered potentially life threatening and medical attention should be sought immediately if bitten.


Often confused for trapdoor or funnel web spiders Mouse spiders can be distinguished by their very conspicuous large fang sheaths at the front of their heads. The mouse spider is considered a medium to large spider of up to 35 mm in body length and they are usually dark brown or black in colour. The male mouse spider is distinctly smaller and less bulky than the female and may or may not have a bright red head and extended fangs.


Male mouse spiders search for a breeding mate once they reach sexual maturity at approximately four years of age. Mating often takes place in the female's burrow, after which time the male spider expires. The female then lays up to 60 or more eggs within an egg sac that she carefully places into a brood chamber usually located off the main shaft of her burrow. When her spiderlings hatch during mid-summer they remain with the her until the autumn dispersal occurs.


Mouse spiders are ground dwellers that construct oval burrows that are sometimes up to a metre in length, and often located on the banks of rivers. The female's burrow usually has a hinged lid and is branched in a 'Y' shape and heavy rain often flushes them out of their burrows when they may be encountered by humans. The extremely large and robust fangs possessed by these spiders enables them to overpower quite large food targets and thus making them a threat to our safety.



Black House Spider


Commonly also found in urban areas, the black house spider is prevalent throughout Melbourne and across the entire state of Victoria. The bite of the black house spider is poisonous and very painful but not lethal. Victims often report a severe pain around the bite site, muscular pains, vomiting, intense sweating, headaches, dizziness and in a few rare cases skin lesions have been reported after bites. The application of a cold ice pack on the bite area will relieve local pain but you should seek medical attention if symptoms persist.


Adult female black house spiders grow up to 18mm in length and males up to 9mm. They are dark brown to grey/black in colour and have a robust body shape.


Black house spiders mature during the summertime and have a lifecycle that lasts around two years. The female spider rarely leaves the confines of her web unless forced to do so, preferring to stay within constantly maintaining and repairing it. It's this persistent re-working and adding of silk that gives the of the web an old-grey woolly appearance. After breeding the female constructs several pearl coloured silk eggs sacs, which are secured within the web. The female stays with her eggs protecting them until they hatch and the spiderlings disperse.


This species of spider builds quite lacy, messy webs with funnel like entrances in the corners of windows, veranda's, under eaves and gutters and inside sheds. They are also found on tree trunks, in logs, on rock walls, and near electric lights which attract their main food source of moths, flies, mosquitos and other insects.



Huntsman Spider

scary looking - painful bite The huntsman is a common species of spider found in plentiful numbers around Melbourne and across the state of Victoria. Huntsman spiders are considered to be non-aggressive spiders and their venom only mildly toxic to humans; however, an adult Huntsman has large extended fangs and can deliver a very deep and painful bite.

These considerations aside, the physically large huntsman spider is a very imposing and scary looking spider and as a result is the cause of more accidents to humans trying to escape its presence than all other species put together. 

This nomadic hunter prefers to shelter within the spaces of buildings underneath the subfloor or in roof voids where it often wanders into homes and is found stretched out high up on the ceiling or on a wall. They are mostly shy and apprehensive spiders but are able to move sideways at lightning-fast speed when ambushing prey or escaping danger.


The Huntsman spider is motley taupey - grey to brown color with large long legs and a body length of up to 20 mm. The front pairs of legs are longer than rear and fan out sideways enabling them to walk forwards and sideways giving them crab-like dexterity. It's total diameter, inclusive with legs, can span up to a whopping 160 mm and there are over 100 species of Huntsman spiders in Australia.


Under favourable conditions the Huntsman spider"s lifespan is about two or years. The female Huntsman produces an oval thin white papery, egg sac that is made of flattened silk that carries up to 200 eggs. These sacs are then strategically positioned under rocks or under the bark of trees where she will stand guard over them vigilantly for about three weeks. When ready the spiderlings are released from the sacs and then stay under the watchful protection of their mother for several more weeks before dispersing.


Huntsman spiders occur Australia-wide and are usually found under the flaking bark of trees, beneath sheltering rocks or on the walls of houses. The huntsman eats a wide variety of insects and other invertebrates as well as small lizards and sometimes frogs. Huntsmen are not webbing spiders rather they actively stalk and run-down their prey utilizing stealth and their explosive forward and sideways speed.



Wolf Spider

VENOMOUS - Hunters

The wolf spider commonly occurs throughout the suburbs of Melbourne and all across the state of Victoria. The bite of the wolf spider is poisonous, very painful but not lethal. Although considered to be non-aggressive by nature, they will bite if provoked and should be considered dangerous to humans especially children and the elderly. If you or a family member is bitten, you should call for an ambulance immediately whilst applying first aid. Use an ice pack to dull the pain and apply a pressure immobilisation bandage to the entire bite site immediately (this means bandaging the entire limb).


The adult wolf spider is 15 mm to 30 mm in body length, is a blotchy grey to brown colour, and has an impressive oval spoked pattern on its back.


After mating the females carry their egg sacs around with them which she attaches to the spinnerets at the bottom of her abdomen. Once hatched the female wolf spider carries the young on her back where they remain for the first few weeks of life before dispersal.


The Wolf spider is a ground dweller who hunts at night and spends the day hidden amongst garden mulch and decaying leaf litter. This spider lives in a shallow silk lined burrow with an open discrete entrance. It practices a wandering nocturnal lifestyle opportunistically hunting its prey moving rapidly when disturbed or threatened.



Trap-Door Spider

MiLDLY TOXIC - PAINFUL BITE The Trap Door spider occurs in Melbourne and across Victoria. The bite of the trap-door spider is mildly toxic to humans but can be quite painful. This usually shy and secretive spider is considered non-aggressive but will stand up and present its fangs if challenged. These ground dwelling spiders prefer nesting in drier more exposed habitats and they are usually found harbouring inside their lidded burrows.


Often confused with the Funnel Web and Mouse spiders the Trapdoor species is distinguished by its chocolate brown coloration, slenderer body and the presence of its prominent balloon-shaped palps located at the front of their heads. The female is around 35mm long, while the male is usually around 20mm and has a less robust body than the female and both are covered in tiny, pale gold, fine hairs.


Trapdoor spiders leave their burrows during the humid months in search of a mate and shortly after mating with the female the male dies. Females lay their eggs and keep them in a neat silk cocoon. Immediately after hatching the new born spiderlings remain in the burrow with their mother for some time eventually emerging to disperse and then fend for themselves.


Trapdoor spiders are ground dwellers that live within well-constructed burrow retreats lined with silk. These burrows provide a safe space in which to raise their young and a harbourage for general protection. Their burrows can be anywhere up to 250 mm in depth and around 25 mm in width, and despite the suggestion of their name, this species does not construct a lid. Trapdoor spiders eat a wide variety of insects and other arthropods. This cunning spider patiently waits inside the burrow then emerges from the entrance ambushing any passing prey with its lightning speed.



Orb Weaving Spider

LOW RISK to humans - NON-AGGRESSIVE Orb-weavers are among a group of spiders considered to be non-aggressive and reluctant to bite humans. The venom of an orb-weaving spider is mildly toxic and low risk to humans with symptoms usually being limited to mid local pain, numbness and swelling possibly followed by nausea and dizziness. If you or a family member was bitten, an ice pack could be used to dull the pain, monitor the condition of the victim and seek medical attention if any symptoms were to persist. The orb-weaving spider species occurs Victoria-wide, but numbers are particularly concentrated in the bush land along the eastern coastal areas.


Adult Orb Weavers range between 20 to 30 mm in body length featuring full globe shaped abdomens which are adorned with a leaf shaped pattern. Most are reddish - brown to grey in colour which helps to camouflage them amongst the foliage during day until they appear later at night when they construct their sticky orb - shaped webs.


The lifespan of Orb Weavers lasts for about twelve months. They mature in summer, find a mate, after which time the female lays her eggs, and dies. Females encase their eggs in a fluffy silk cocoon and then attach it to foliage. During autumn, (when the spiderlings hatch), they disperse themselves by ballooning or floating on the breeze using small silk strands like parachutes, then build their own tiny webs amongst the nearby vegetation.


Garden orb-weaving spiders are often found in summer in suburban garden areas where they spin large circular webs often up to two metres or more in diameter which they use to snare a range of flying insects, such as flies, mosquitos, beetles and larger prey like cicadas



St Andrews Cross Spider

LOW RISK AND NON-AGGRESSIVE The St Andrews Cross spider occurs in Melbourne and all across Victoria. The bite of the St Andrews Cross is considered to be of low risk and is non-toxic to humans. They are among the same group of spiders as Orb-weavers and are considered to be non-aggressive and quite reluctant to bite humans.


The adult St Andrews Cross spider has a body length of 5 to 15 mm and has yellow and brown bands striped across its abdomen. The St Andrews Cross Spider has a habit of positioning itself upside down in the middle of its web forming a cross pattern.


The lifespan of the St Andrews Cross spider lasts for about twelve months. After the conclusion of mating practices, the female suspends her pear-shaped egg sac amongst a network of slender silken threads, often anchored among leaves where the egg sac"s greenish silk camouflages it.


This spider is a web-weaver usually found in the garden areas around the home in the summer months. The St Andrews Cross spider is considered to be very beneficial as it spins large webs that ensnare many flying pest insects, such as flies, moths and mosquitos. It is noted for its famous zig-zag bands of silk ribbons that form a full or partial cross through the centre of its web.

More Information

  • Spiders are invertebrates (they have no skeleton) and grow in stages by shedding their outer skins (cuticle).
  • Their bodies have 2 main parts consisting of a head and abdomen.
  • All spiders make silk and all spiders bite in order to feed.
  • Arachnids are carnivores, feeding mainly on live or freshly trapped insects. When food is in supply short, they will hunt, kill and cannibalize other spiders.
  • In some species of spiders, once the male has successfully fertilised the female, he"s then often killed and then consumed by her.
  • Some spiders can survive for months on end without food or water
  • All spiders grow from an egg which is sometimes carried on the back of the female.
  • The female spider is normally larger than the male.
  • Most spiders are nocturnal preferring to stay concealed during the daylight hours. At dusk they leave their burrows and shelters and begin the hunt food or, in the case of web-spinners, to construct webs to trap prey.
  • Spiders detest the smell of citrus, and many other natural herbs and herb extracts

First aid information:

Spider Bite First Aid

If you are concerned that you or a family member has been bitten by a venomous spider, dial 000 and request an ambulance. Calm the victim. Apply a pressure bandage to the entire bite area and seek further medical advice. It is important to be able to identify the spider. Take a photo with your iPhone OR catch the spider in a jar with an enclosed lid if it is safe to do so. Alternatively, if you can describe the size, colour, district body markings and where the spider was residing, this is helpful in determining the appropriate course of treatment.

Helpful advice to avoid a spider bite

  • Don"t leave clothes and belongings lying on the floor
  • Always shake out shoes, particularly if left in the garage or shed
  • When gardening or handling rubbish, wear gloves, long trousers and shoes
  • Educate children not to touch spiders
  • Avoid touching spider webs
  • If necessary, remove spider webs with a stick
  • Don"t ever assume a spider is dead and therefore harmless
  • Never leave toys, clothes or other items outside as they can become a temporary resting places.

Symptoms of a spider bite

Depending on the type of spider responsible for the bite, symptoms may include

  • pain (mild to severe)
  • redness and itching
  • nausea and/or vomiting
  • sweating
  • dilated pupils
  • uncontrollable muscle spasms
  • unconsciousness

NOTE; There have been no recorded deaths in Australia from spider bites since 1981, (the year anti-venom was introduced for the Sydney funnel web) and anti-venom for the red back spider was introduced some 30 years earlier in the 1950"s. However, Australia has some of the most venomous spiders in the world, so if you or someone you know is bitten, first aid must be applied immediately and professional medical treatment sought. This is particularly so in the case of infants, small children and the elderly.

Commercial  Information

Spider Removal for Your Business?

Our places of business are ideal homes for spiders so professional spider control is imperative for every business in Melbourne regardless of what type industry you are involved in! Whether it"s manufacturing, hospitality, retail, food process or public service we offer professional solutions for all types of Spider Infestations….. big and small. Over 70% of the general population holds a legitimate fear of spiders and it is this phobia (Arachnophobia) that is a major causation of work place accidents. Most patrons will often tolerate a small degree of pest annoyance but nothing sets off an immediate panic attack like the sight of a large Huntsman spider walking across a restaurant table or office reception wall. These types of unacceptable situations can have long lasting effects on your employees and your customers leading to avoidable accidents and an ultimately loss of earnings. Spider Bites cause severe pain and in some cases even death. Nuisance spider webs collect dust, dead insects and other debris creating an unsightly health risk, and also have the potential to spoil product and interrupt production. We have an unbeaten, proven track record in commercial pest control. We provide our customers with the peace of mind that comes with dependable year-round guaranteed protection backed by up by a no-questions asked, results based service. If you require an immediate response to a current pest problem or perhaps you"re simply reassessing an existing strategy. Call us, we"re here to help you.

A One size fits all" approach does not apply in pest control…

Based on a comprehensive assessment of your premises and factoring in its unique environmental conditions, we can develop a customised protection plan that suits your individual requirements. Prevention of any pest problem is the ideal and achievable goal. Our technicians can implement immediate, targeted control programs, in key harbourage areas, and advise you on proactive physical exclusion techniques. We also provide guidance and monitoring strategies that focus on non-chemical environmental control methods that enable us to achieve these goals. The identification of Spider 'hot spots' through regular detailed monitoring is an integral part of any proactive eradication strategy. Simply call 03 8840 9572 to speak with us directly or fill in the Contact Usform and we"ll respond to your enquiry in a timely fashion. The treatment plan begins with a thorough inspection of the property establishing the particular species of Spider causing the problem and the location of their breeding and harbourage areas. Our highly trained pest management technicians can then prepare a Spider treatment plan that will eradicate the current infestation as well as providing recommendations and practical measures for the long term control of this annoying pest insect. Stringent health and safety regulations apply to the control and management of pest"s in business and commercial situations. Maintaining that control relies on regular monitoring, targeted strategies and effective communication between all stakeholders across the entire pest control process. Nothing impacts on your reputation quite like an un-controlled pest infestation. No matter what industry you're in we have a pest control solution for you. The exposure of your customers and staff to unhealthy and potentially dangerous pest situations can seriously compromise your business - and ultimately impact your bottom line. You"re hard earned and well-deserved reputation is everything and complacency can result in an outbreak that will tarnish the reputation of even the most trusted establishment.

Pests problems result in the following problems:

  • Production interruptions and costly delays  
  • The spread of illness and disease
  • Contamination and loss of stock
  • Breach of health regulations
  • Destruction of materials and inventory
  • Damage to amenities
  • Decreased employee productivity and increased absenteeism
  • Negative customer experience

The treatment of Spiders is an integrated effort that involves habitat and source eradication coupled with the use of chemical control products as needed. This may include the application of insecticides to the vegetation sites that adult Spiders use for harbourage and breeding purposes or introducing insect growth regulators to help prevent development. Spider population control is dependent upon the availability of breeding habitats andthe particular target species, as well as many other factors. Should youexperience Spiders in your working environment, contact us to discuss the options. Supermarket insect repellents can be effective at temporarily keeping a small number of Spiders at bay however studies have found that Spiders can ignore repellents over time as a result of repeated exposure. Supermarket repellents also begin to lose their effectiveness soon after being applied, which requires them to be constantly reapplied in order to maintain even the slightest level of protection. The only practical and effective way to control Spider populations, is with the targeted application of quality commercial pesticides used inconjunctionwith an effective environmental control program - And this is what we provide!

  • We hold public liability insurance of $20 million and professional indemnity insurance of $500,000 for your piece of mind. An insurance certificate is available on request.
  • Possum catchers are fully compliant with all the necessary statutory and mandatory requirements relating to the Wildlife Act 1975 and all our staff are fully trained in all aspects of the Occupational health and safety act"s systems and controls.
  • We are licenced Type 1 Commercial Wildlife Controllers and have nationally recognised qualifications in Cert III Asset Maintenance as well as full accreditation in all pest management systems Cert IV General pest & Termite Management.
  • We also hold the following Industry Accreditations: EWP Operator licence - (Yellow Card - scissor and boom lift), Victorian Construction Induction - White Card, Working at Heights licenced, current accreditation Working with Children.